Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Cost of Revival

"With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of The Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them." Acts 4:33-34 (NIV)

It's easy to get comfortable in our rut. We get into a routine and things become predictable. No surprises--things are running smoothly and we like it that way. So what happens when revival actually comes to a church? It's hard to imagine, but not everyone may be happy about it. The pastor himself may not want to rock the boat. There's a price to be paid and, for some, the cost may be too high. Some who liked the status quo may leave the church, taking their money with them. When the church is operating under the power of the Holy Spirit, some things may get turned upside down. When members become interested in knowing and doing the will of God, money designated for a building program may now be given to the poor. Some will give up wealth and prestige to serve God on the mission field. People who have been radically changed no longer care about being politically correct--they speak out boldly for God, sometimes drawing criticism and persecution from the world, or even worse, from the church. Sin is not tolerated--it is dealt with. Christians will fear God more than they fear man. No more backbiting, divisions or gossip. They will think differently, talk differently and act differently than the rest of the world. They will not love the things the world loves or fear the things the world fears. They will have joy, even in the most difficult circumstances. People will know that they have been with Jesus.

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