Wednesday, July 10, 2013

When God Stepped Down

"For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground:" Isaiah 44:3

The following account of the 1949 revival in the Hebrides Islands was delivered as a sermon by Duncan Campbell, a minister who was greatly used by God during that awakening.

"When God stepped down, suddenly men, and women all over the parish, were gripped by the fear of God. Now, how did it happen? This to me is an interesting story, and I want to tell it in full. One evening, an old woman, eighty-four years of age, and blind; had a vision. Now, don't ask me to explain this vision, because I cannot, but strange things happen when God begins to move, and this dear old lady, in the vision saw the church of our Fathers crowded with young people. crowded with young people, and she saw a strange minister in the pulpit, and she was so impressed by this revelation, because a revelation it was. She sent for the minister, and told her story. The parish minister, was a God fearing man, a man that longed to see God working. Oh, he had tried ever so many things to get the youth of the parish interested, but not one single teenager attended the church, that was the situation. Well, heart to this dear old lady to say to him, I'll tell you what she said, "I'm sure Mr. McCie, that you're longing to see God working. What about calling your office bearers together, and suggest to them that you spend two nights a week; waiting upon God in prayer. You've tried mission, you've tried special evangelists, Mr. McCie have you tried God?". Oh, I tell you this is a wonderful old woman. So, he meekly obeyed, and said, "Yes, I'll call the session together, and I will suggest that we meet on Tuesday night, and Friday night, and we'll spend the whole night in prayer". I told you dear people, here were men that meant business. The dear old lady said, "Well, if you do that, my sister and I will get on our knees at ten o'clock on Tuesday, ten o'clock on Friday, and we'll wait on our knees till four o'clock in the morning". I tell you, this puts us to shame. So, they went to prayer, and I want to mention that they had, but one promise from God, and that promise was, "For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground:" –Isaiah 44:3a. That's God's promise, and in their prayers (according to the minister), they would say again, and again, "God you're a covenant keeping God, and you must be true to your covenant engagements".

More to follow,,,

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