“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it (the time of Jesus’ return) is near, right at the door.” Matthew 24:32-33 (NIV)
Just as the tree shows signs
of the approaching season, so there will be signs of Jesus’ return. In his book, IMPLOSION, Joel Rosenberg lists the following twenty signs
that can be found in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21:
Wars and rumors
of wars
Uprisings and
revolutions and kingdoms being shaken
Pestilences and
Terrors and
growing fears
Great signs in
the heavens and bloodred moons
The roaring of
the sea and the waves
Persecution of
the church
Apostasy of the
False prophets
and false teachers
False messiahs
Increase in
knowledge and travel
The State of
Israel being reborn and increasingly becoming the epicenter of international
The gospel being
preached to every nation
A spiritual
awakening in Israel
and among the Jewish people
A spiritual
awakening in Iran
An increase in
mockery of Bible prophecy
Are there any of these signs
that have not occurred? These signs will
not only be evident, but will intensify like birth pains as the time draws
near. When the last person on earth has heard the gospel, Jesus will
return. But the time leading up to His
return will be a horrifying time of suffering for those who do not believe—many
will not survive. Pray fervently for
revival of the church—it’s not programs or outreaches that will change the
hearts of unbelievers, it’s repentance in the church. When God’s people are living according to His
Word, His light will shine in this very dark world.
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