Friday, December 21, 2012

Major Surgery or a Bandaid?

America is desperately sick.  As I listen to the news commentators and their experts discuss how to keep our children safe at school, I feel sad.  The patient is dying and they are trying to figure out just where to apply the bandaid.  All the mental heath professionals, armed security guards, and metal detectors in the world will not keep our children safe, because they only address the symptoms of America’s illness.  No one is talking about the root cause of this terrible violence that threatens to destroy our society.  I think people are too proud to admit that America has a spiritual disease.  What has happened to this once healthy nation?  God and His commandments have been banished from our country—and the Church has stood silently by and watched it happen.  The moral compass of our nation no longer exists.  The family, as God designed it, has been declared irrelevant. Technology has overtaken good, old-fashioned conversation, leaving our relationships shallow and disposable.  There is no common belief that unites us—everyone does what is right in his own eyes.  Where is God? I think he has been trying to get our attention for some time, with little success.  Now--I think He has left the building.  We think we can get along without Him, so that is exactly what He is allowing to happen.  How is that working for us?  Not so well.

“This is what the LORD says: ‘Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD.’”  Jeremiah 17:5 (NLT)

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