Sunday, November 25, 2012

Safely Saved or Radically Forgiven?

“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.  Do you realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?” 2 Corinthians 13:5 (NIV)

So—what if you examine yourself and find that you are safely saved?  You are saved from hell and going to heaven, and that (and your sporadic church attendance) seems to be the only difference between you and your neighbor who is lost.  You own a Bible, but don’t read it.  You know you should pray, but you’d rather watch TV or spend hours on the computer.  You work hard for your money and all that you own, and you jealously guard it.  Your free time belongs to you and is for your enjoyment. Church is a place where you go to drink coffee, eat donuts, joke with your friends, sleep through the sermon and then go home and take a nap.

Or—are you radically forgiven?  You can’t understand how a holy God could sacrifice His only Son so that you could call Him Father.  You love God’s Word because it is a way to get to know your Father better.  It is living and active in your life—it changes the way your see yourself and the world God created.  When you think about the salvation God has provided for you, you want to share it with others.  Prayer is time spent with your Father, and you want to keep that appointment with God every day, no matter how busy you may be.  You realize that everything you have--your money, your time, and your special gifts, came from God and belong to God.  You want to serve Him out of a thankful heart, and glorify Him in all you do and say.  You are no longer the master—you are the servant.

You see, the gospel message is not just about being saved from hell. It’s about Christ coming to live His life in and through you—your body is now the temple of the Holy Spirit.  You have the power that raised Christ from the dead, living inside you. You are no longer a slave to sin but have victory over it.  It changes you and everything about you!

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